Step 1: Register

Before you can bid you will need to register an account with us, doing so is a quick and easy process. Press the 'Login/Register' button at the top of the screen, then follow the instructions on screens to follow.

Step 2: Login

After you have registered your account, and received your verification email you will be able to log in to your account.

Step 3: Auction Preview

After an auction has been scheduled and made public on our website, you will be able to preview the available inventory. First, go to the auctions page, then click on an upcoming auction. You will see a screen like the one below. To see more pictures and get more information on a vehicle you are interested in click button number 1, 'View Lot Details Now'. If you would like to save a vehicle to your watchlist then press the icon indicated by button number 2.

Step 4: Watchlist

Using your watchlist is an optional, but helpful feature. After a car has been added to your watchlist you can find it quickly by going to your account, as indicated by button 1, then going to your watchlist, as indicated by button 2.

Step 5:Entering an Auction

When an auction starts you will be able to enter it. After you have entered a live auction you will be able to see the currently available inventory, you will also be able to enter the bidding screen.

Step 6: Bidding

There are a few important things to take note of in the bidding screen.

1: The Bid button. A bid will be made available on the screen. By clicking the bid button you are agreeing to bid on the current vehicle for the amount shown. If the vehicle sells at that price with you as the current bidder, then you are the winning bidder, and will be responsible for the vehicle.

2: The messaging system allows you to send messages to the auctioneer. Simply enter your message, and hit send.

3: The vehicle queue shows you the upcoming vehicles. The vehicle that is currently being auctioned will have the 'Live' symbol on top of it.

Step 7: Winning a Bid

If you win on a bid and the bid meets the reserve amount then the vehicle will appear in your invoices page under your account.